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USBest's Comments

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Can we see the Source code?
Maybe for the english keboard... But not for other keyboards... And that might be a reason, why less people vote for this scenario...
Well... Greenfoot can although not check for / on a german keyboard, cause you can only write /, when you press shift AND 7... and you can only write ? when you press shift AND ß... And so the method isKeyDown can't check for this symbols...
Well... There is no real 'regular' keyboard... Cause nearly every country has a different keyboard. ;)
not with a german keyboard... cause there you can't press '?' And x and z are on completely different locations...
The keys aren't choosed very well...
No, I used: PlayerData Datas = PlayerData.getMyData(); if(Datas!=null){ Datas.setScore(wormsEaten*5);; addObject(new ScoreBoard(getWidth(),getHeight()),getWidth()/2,getHeight()/2);}
What is the saver class for?
I used the PlayerData class to save the score.