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Fish eating game

This is a game were you are an alligator and you can eat fish.
To eat the fish swim over them and they should be eaten also the arrow keys that you contorl the alligator are the left arrow key and the right arrow key if you want to go faster press the up arrow key and if you want to go back press the down arrow key.
This is my first game and there will be more in the future!

V 1.8

6396 views / 15 in the last 7 days

3 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game simulation fish basic water natural simple animals movement sea

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Hey man,can you send the Scenario File to me? it will help me to learn greenfoot easier ;) send it to my email =,thanks before :)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Dec 17 07:27:00 UTC 2013
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Dec 18 17:21:42 UTC 2013 Better fish movement.


I think you could add a voice when you eat the fish , and add a title when you eat all the fish.


Well im just starting to use greenfoot and im new to programming but i will try my best to do that in the next update.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Dec 24 15:08:57 UTC 2013 Better fish movement.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Jan 13 21:15:42 UTC 2014 1) Better fish movement(They now have a more natural like movement.)


hi,can you please send the Scenario File to me? it will help me to learn greenfoot more . please send it to my email =,thank you very much,please.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Mar 31 19:27:12 UTC 2014 Update v1.8 - Improved preformance -Random spawning for fish. *Planning to start this on other platforms EG: mobile with other softwear.


Any ideas for how i can improve this? Or any new features?

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