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Gevater_Tod4711 presents ...


Multi Scrolling Engine

This engine includes five ways for scrolling that can all be used for your scenarios.

The superclasses MultiScrollingWorld and ScrollingActor include all the neccessary funktions for the scrolling system.

You just need to copy this classes and some menu classes in your scenario to use the scrolling systems.

The scrolling systems can be choosen when constructing the world or can be changed while playing.

If your got suggestions for improvement or ideas for other ways of scrolling please tell me so I can introduce it in the engine.

5463 views / 19 in the last 7 days

7 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse demo with-source scrolling

open in greenfoot
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Is Greenfoot 3D now official supported or do you only modify the button for fun?
I just used the Greenfoot 3D jar file. The Greenfoot 3D button and the snow effect are created by the jar file.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Jan 11 09:42:01 UTC 2014 Added new scrolling system. Also fixed some buggs.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Jan 11 09:45:00 UTC 2014 Forgot to publish the source.


If you are on following actor and press w, a, s, or d it stops

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