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The Environment Quiz

Last week I heard from the Greenfoot-Contest and now here is my game.

Just follow the instructions in the game.
Good luck!

What is updated:
-when the jack turns off, the computer and other things turn off to
-switch the channel back

6141 views / 23 in the last 7 days

5 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game simulation environment codepoint-09-under-16

open in greenfoot
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Nice. There's only a little bug: When you click on something and the buttons pop up, you can still click other things, and their buttons pop up, too. You should close the old buttons when another object was clicked.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 22 10:44:29 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 22 10:47:44 UTC 2009


I somehow managed it to get a "Turn on"-Button on the final screen that displays the results...


Not bad, are there more levels/rooms to come?


I think it´s very nice, but you should add more levels. And I think it´s very hard to hit the areas where to turn off the things.


Nice game. But as others have mentioned you can carry the selection buttons on to the final screen. Other than that just needs some more levels.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Dec 04 23:33:33 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Dec 04 23:35:40 UTC 2009


oh no, I don't why, but in Greenfoot runs the szenario fluently and right! Here doesn't runs it! But you can open it in Greenfoot with the link over the szenario, too. Good night and happy X-MES

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