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Eatserbeam presents ...


Trash it up!

well, just try it..
its about, recycling and throw trash in it place in order to maintain a clean planet earth, the goal of the game is to score the less shots just like in golf, but throwing papers into a trash bin..

TO-DO list
*Add new levels
*add sounds
*change the mouse pointer

btw, all game sprites were made by me

im 16yo so i enter under 16 category right?

.is there any chance for me to change my username? i no longer wanna be named eatserbeam, i wanna b named EduarTe

4217 views / 25 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game simulation edurarte codepoint-09-school-16+

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 29 11:10:18 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 29 11:11:43 UTC 2009
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 29 15:14:12 UTC 2009


well if ur 16 i think you need to be in the 16+ category.. cause under 16 would mean 15 and under right...?


school under 16 (pupils in a primary or secondary school under the age of 16) (to qualify for this category, participants must be under 16 years old on 26th Oct 2009) ad im 16 here today so i dunno


Under 16 means 15 or less.


if you're under 16 on the 26th of oct 2009, then you're eligeble for the under 16 category..

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