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This is like the original tetris, but the tetrominos come from four directions instead of one! The goal is to form full rows or columns which will be cleared out then. You will understand what a "full" row/column is, when you play.
A cleared line gives points, clearing out more than one line at once and clearing lines in combos will give bonus points.
Actually this were only for keyboard controls and I then wrote controls for the mouse to be playable as an Android app, but somehow it does not work as it should. It is very laggy as an app.
I just throwed the code for keyboard and mouse together to upload it here. Hopefully you can use both without any issues, I did not find any yet.


Either keyboard:
arrows keys = two to move up/down or right/left and the other two to rotate clockwise/counterclockwise
space = speed up falling
d = drop the tetromino

Or mouse:
Press the mouse and drag it to the side, to move the tetromino to the side. Drag the mouse in the direction where the tetromino comes from will speed up the falling ( = pressing space), a drag to the other side will drop the tetromino ( = pressing d). Clicking on the screen will result in a clockwise or counterclockwise rotation depends on where you click and where the tetromino comes from.

This is just a small game without much action. Since I am not able to turn it into an app, I am not as excited as before to make this game as great as it should. (With graphics and so on.)
I still like my idea with the four sides. I did not see it anywhere else yet, so I want to share it with you.

Too much text, have fun with the game!

4642 views / 12 in the last 7 days

5 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game tetris

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Very nice idea, but 4D is not the right name i think ;D cause this arent dimensions, this are directions ;D but also very good made i like!


Thank you. Yes, the name is a bit confusing, but I did not find a better one yet. ;)


thehe like curling people with a proffessional name ;D look here i got the first 4D game of the world ;D




really nice and innovative idea! can become a real app hit if you could solve the performance issues! (And find a Epic tetris-worthy soundtrack :D )


This game is awesome, very nice idea!


Thank you :)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2017-12-19 21:47:52 UTC Update for HTML 5. Still didn't find he reason for one bug in this game that sometimes occurs, but I have to say that my programming style changed so much that it would probably be easier to program it again from 0 than trying to fix this project.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-06-06 23:21:55 UTC Finally found and resolved the bug that sometimes made the tetromino move one step too far when dropping it! The game is also not occasionally ignoring keypresses anymore.

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