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OmarACY presents ...



Player - .
The player is a ninja in black have 3 lives and health, the ninja will be able to wield a sword against enemies and can throw knives limited , player moves to the right with the RIGHT key or D key to the left with lEFT key or a key will jump by pressing the UP key or the W key and bend down by pressing the DOWN key or S key to use the sword the E key is pressed and to throw knives letter R.
Note - . 's Health can be regenerated with an object type map , if the player loses a life start from zero at the level fence.
Enemies - .
. 1 - Ravens : fly around the map .
2 - Juices . They will try to attack the player running towards him .
. 3 - bad Ninjas: We launched knives injury
4 - . Takers - . 5 coins you removed the player to be touched considering that each coin is worth 5 points .
Note - . All enemies have a different number of Health and only one life .
Barriers - .
. 1 - Holes: If the player lands on them and lose a life.
. 2 - Rocks : If the player bumps into them lose health and a coin .
 4.- Fences : If the player hits the jump and you subtract them health.
Bonds - .
1. -currencies : They will be located on the maps will be given 5 points each .
2.- Knives : They will be located on the maps in very small quantities so we have to use them. Another way to get knives is killing Ninjas you get 5 knives each
3.- Elixir ( Regenerator life ) you regenerate 10% of total health .
Note: Each enemy gives you points to delete , such as Ninjas get 20 points, the Ravens get 2 points , the juices get 10 points and 15 points thieves , time gives extra points depending on a pre- defined time , this time compared to the player who made the measuring anger extra points that will be given .
Maps - .
Be 3 maps and each map will have a goal to which the player has to get to the next level , the difficulty of the maps changed by the types and amount of enemies that appear and the types and amount of obstacles.

2231 views / 9 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source uaslp

open in greenfoot
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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu May 22 05:26:25 UTC 2014
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu May 22 16:37:43 UTC 2014
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun May 25 22:35:01 UTC 2014 Added menu to match records, support and credits
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun May 25 23:33:12 UTC 2014
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun May 25 23:40:17 UTC 2014

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