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Follow text instruction across the middle of the window.

Click on card of choice to start play.
Press the 'space' key to proceed.
Click on the numbers on your card to toggle the markers on and off.
After a bingo is made, press 'enter' to continue with a new game.

3886 views / 27 in the last 7 days

Tags: game danpost bingo

This scenario is a member of: Games by danpost

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jul 08 01:42:25 UTC 2014


I think making them not be able to mark an invalid spot would be good. I would be easy to get those sound samples to call out the next number, that would be cool.


@lordhershey, making them not be able to mark an invalid spot would take away from them playing their own card. As far as the calling of numbers, I thought about that and decided not to -- at least for now.


fair enough. Have you thought about making it multi-player?


That would not be hard for a local application. However, I do not think it would be workable on the site. I am not saying it would not be possible at all -- I just think that it would not be very user-friendly and take an extended amount of time to play.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2017-10-18 16:24:46 UTC


Fix issue: I can click and mark any number; for example the ball drawn was 48, but I can mark any other number too.


@Venbha, it was intentional to allow the player to mark any number. All part of the game!


hmmmm... so I am supposed to win, right, if I can mark any number..?

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