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elias.groll presents ...


Simple physics engine

U can use this for creating a simple physics environnement in ur own games.
Use the arrow keys to control the dummy.
It uses objects, so it is also able to interact with a non-ground object.

12153 views / 14 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game physics with-source

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Jul 15 20:33:09 UTC 2014 Just load up the wrong version


This is not bad. Although, it is not normal to see changes along the horizontal while in mid-air. Drag and acceleration should only be allowed while standing on something (just like jump is only allowed while standing on something).


The character control seems to be nice and tight. I'd give it a gold star.


Thanks for ur feedback and this goldstar-thing :P I think ill do a Football game in this next time i have too much freetime, but there are much other projects like my android game (which is alike a mixture of badlands, doodlejump & flappy bird) or my work or my School :D only@danpost: i only implemented the standingOnSmth() because i wanted to show the reusability in other games. U can see the standingOnSmth() is implemented in the Man.class so it isnt necessary for the engine. The aspect in this scenario was to give a quite easy and clean base of a physics engine like i explained (thats why i named the methods exactly alike the things they do).

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