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A prototype scrolling world for a game that I am planning on making. This world is based off of RUMMAKER's scrolling world and is a good place for starters. Enjoy.

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Tags: demo with-source scrolling world

open in greenfoot
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Oh, I didn't notice that...I'll do that right away.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Aug 11 22:21:50 UTC 2014 re publishing code.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Aug 12 02:43:25 UTC 2014 Optimezed scrolling with the help of danpost. Now you can get around 60 frames while scrolling without having to reduce background size.


Nice, maybe you also want to add that the World should not scroll back, i.e when you have been scrolling to the right, and then want to go left. then the scrolling should stop until you Close in to the left edge and then scrolling begins again. Now your'e "stuck in Scrolling mode" once it's started scrolling. hope you understand what I Mean :)
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Aug 15 06:19:07 UTC 2014 Fixed Collision.


@KalleLarsson I think I get what you mean, but, I don't think that is what I want this world to do...The player should not be stuck in scrolling while static, that would just make life horrible for the player...well, that is depending on the game-play....hopefully that is what you meant, otherwise, my apologies; I simply can not understand what you mean.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon Aug 25 01:17:46 UTC 2014 Added dysfunctional weapons pick up.


Hey, so I finally got to check out your game and it looks like you are off to a good start. I am not quite sure how your weapon pick-up system works, I don't actually have greenfoot installed on this computer, so I can't quite look at your source code. However, if I remember correctly from the way I did it in my game I used a guns class and then had several subclasses of the gun. Then the player class had a current weapon object. By default in my Paintball game the original gun was the pistol, however when a new gun was picked up I would replace the player's gun object with the new gun object. Currently it looks like yours might just be attaching it while a certain input is pressed, which I would assume is either an if statement or a while loop. Hope this helps!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Aug 28 02:28:11 UTC 2014 Working weapon pickup and drop.


@stephen Thank you for the advice, I used a couple if statements and eventually figured out how to do it correctly. Now you can pick up and drop one weapon.

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