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NikZ presents ...


Towers of Hanoi

Just click and drag.
The object of the game is to move the tower from the left pole to the right pole. Larger blocks cannot go on top of smaller ones.

3803 views / 19 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game highscores towers hanoi nikz

This scenario is a member of: Games by NikZ, NikZ's UserInfo

There is no HTML 5 translation of this scenario available.
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This scenarios uses Java features that are not available for use after conversion to HTML 5. Please try the legacy version, which requires the Java plugin to be installed.



I won :D Should have a timer going and save the shortest times.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Sep 17 03:29:22 UTC 2014 Added point system (not high scores yet).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Sep 20 22:39:25 UTC 2014 Added highscores!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Sep 23 23:13:00 UTC 2014 Just a tiny bug I have yet to fix. But now you can see ALL highscores without playing! And a tutorial! What fun!


I can't view the high scores :/


Which Java version are you using?


Version 8 update 25... the newest one


8 tightened security on the server stuff... use 7.

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