You should make it so the sharks are a little faster than the fish so that they eat some
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-06-07 19:21:49 UTC
Improved the code a little bit. Hopefully less laggy on the site. It was laggy for me at least. I also publish the source even though there is not much to see. Not documented either. Mainly only wanted to make it working again after such a long time that the conversion already happens here...
Nope, seems to be as laggy as before....
@MajorCL: Thank you for the suggestion. The sharks are only moving randomly without any purpose to eat something. If I wanted to make that, I would probably adjust the Fish's movement, so they don't avoid the Sharks perfectly. (Technically, the Sharks are able to "catch" Fish when they would team up, but they usually don't.)
But this was never really meant to be something complex to be honest.
If you want to see some population simulation, you can try out my two ecosystem scenarios. Well, I have to update them first, though. They are currently not working...