A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2015-03-29 23:09:58 UTC
Player One: W, S
Player Two: up, down
To play a CPU (who is difficult) click 'enter'
To begin, click the play button.
Spacebar resets the game.
||What the fish am I doing?!?!||
The game is much like pong, but with some extra things
The first person to 10 points wins.
A point is scored by the ball passing the opponents paddle, into their "goal" area.
The difference from pong is that there are foods and jam jars
In order to get a jar of jam, you need to collect two food items,
A jar will be created automatically when you do.
After getting two foods, you get bonus effects depending on the foods you collected.
Apple: Bigger Paddle
Banana: Slower Opponent
Bread: Extra Ball On Screen
Grape: Faster Paddle
Lemon: Smaller Opponent
Pumpkin: Push One Ball Away
Pizza: Opponent Minus One Point
Fries: Plus One Point
They're all good (except maybe bread) so try to get all the ones you can!
Game by: me, Hamm (AKA Napler, Nayham)
Music by: My little sis, BJay
Game made with: GreenFoot
Sounds made with: sfxr
Music Recorded with: Anvil Studio
This game's basic idea was generated by http://insanityjam.com/idea/ the insanity jam's idea generator!
This is a game where "you collect the most random jar of jam and it's all underwater"
To get the source code, go to the Greenfoot link and click the "Source" button