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This game was created with help of the Crab and Wombat tutorials and also the greenfoot tutorial videos.
The basis of the game is that you are a Robber in NYC and must steal every 100 dollar bill within the city.
You and your partner must avoid the Cops (both Officers and Crown Victoria's) while stealing every Benjamin you see.
Your partner is not the smartest thief and will most likely get caught after only stealing a few 100s.
It is up to you to accomplish the task of leaving NYC without any 100 dollar bills.
If you are nabbed by the cops, you will be taken to jail and the game is over. Press Reset to start the game over.
Once all the Benjamins are gone, YOU WIN!
Up arrow- move forward (looks like the Robber is moving to the right)
Left arrow- rotate counter-clockwise
Right arrow-rotate clockwise
2870 views / 9 in the last 7 days
This scenario is a member of: COMP 10 - Introduction to Game Development Final Projects
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