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Awesome Archer 2

Click on the guy and drag to set power and direction. Red = 50, blue = 20, and yellow = more arorows. There's one more thing you need to know. Whatever you do, don't hit the ball!

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Tags: mouse game

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Thanks, Paggos_Ichor. I'll try to fix it up. I'm not a Greenfoot expert, but I do know how to maake it so that yellows don't show up as much.


I'm assuming your generating the three types from random numbers, take out the instance or creation for the arrow one there and add and if statement. ex:if(arrows <= 2){ addobject(arrowballow,randomx,randomy) modd that to fit your code and you should be alright.


^^ What he said, except change it to boolean lastChanceActivated; if (arrows == 2 && lastChanceActivated == false) { addObject(arrowBalloon, randomX, randomY); lastChanceActivated = true; } else if (lastChanceActivated = true) lastChanceActivated = false; to make the arrow balloon only appear once. But, I haven't downloaded the source because I can't read code because my eyes hurt since I'm not feeling top-par, so I'm not sure how much that applies to your situation. >.<
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun May 23 23:44:13 UTC 2010


I changed it so they don't appear much. These games haven't even been up 3 hours and I've done 4 updates!!!


That's a lot better, I like it now. Still think you need a maximum draw length, but that's just me. =P
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun May 23 23:52:36 UTC 2010


OK, no more updates until at least Friday. Still post, but I can only do so much in one night.


Hey people! I'm really glad you like my game! Remember that there's also Awesome Archer, which is a little different. I also have a game called little-crab-one and one called cool game. Make sure to try all of them!


OK, I found out I'm free on Thurs. night. I can do updates then.

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