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TheMorganism presents ...


Battle Royale


Welcome to our little fighting game.
At the selection screen, first choose the player 1 character, then choose the player 2 character

Player 1 Controls:
Move Left – A
Move Right – D
Jump – W
Crouch – S
MidAttack - G
JumpAttack – jump + G
CrouchAttack – crouch + G
Block mid – H
Block low – crouch + H
Block High – H + W (must be done in that order)
special Attack = "space"

Player 2 Controls:
Move Left – left arrow
Move Right – right arrow
Jump – up arrow
Crouch – down arrow
MidAttack - enter
JumpAttack – up + enter
CrouchAttack – down + enter
Block mid – the “ key (right next to enter)
Block low – down + “
Block High – “ + up (must be done in that order)
Special Attack = "L"

• Rules
o Mid attacks will hit a standing or jumping player
o Blocking mid will block a mid attack
o Mid attacks will miss crouching players
o Jump attacks may be blocked by high blocking
o Crouch attacks will hit a standing player, even if he is blocking mid
o Blocking low will block crouch attacks

Specials can only be used once your special meter is full.

3041 views / 10 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game cabrillo cabrillo-guild

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