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Greenfoot back

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unkown presents ...



this is a game where you shoot bad things. it is slightly over the top bad but it is still a game.

3105 views / 11 in the last 7 days

4 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

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Best Name Ever


LOVE IT - but I think it could do with a bit more Jeff.
Wow - the sound effects are bad
are you jelous of my game? just because I have 78000 views, it dosent mean you have to give me a bad comment. Anyway i think your game sucks;i would prefer eating a poo than playing your game
sorry about that comment. I was angry and people said you said rude stuff about my game in morning fire-tech.I think your game is really nice

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twofatfarmers The_Chocolate_Cactus David-FireTech MDStar