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McChicken presents ...


Mario - demo

Hey everyone, this is a game that I am in the process of creating. It isn't even halfway done yet but I'd be thrilled to hear your feedback. I based this game off of the Oh-So-Popular Biomekanoid Chicken game. Heck I even used some of the images and a teensy bit of coding from it so tons of credit to mutantleg. The source for this scenario will remain closed until further notice. Have fun!

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Tags: game demo mario luigi

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Please note that Arcade Mode is NOT playable at the moment. I also need to add levels, edit the enemy Superclass, and new opponents.


Looks great mate, but there are a lot of bugs yet, for example the menu of the classic mode, maybe you can put the turtle a little bit higher because i died "IN THE MENU" jajaja.


@slipkorn_6666 Thanks for the feedback :) always appreciated. The turtle was placed there originally for developing purposes but I later decided to leave it there to encourage people to choose which pipe to enter quickly. I may consider adding a "turtle toggle" for those of you who need it. Also I'm not sure your aware, but to enter the pipe, you must press the DOWN arrow key while the pipe is RED.


[update notice] Currently being updated: Adding a storyline Creating a "Koopa Killer" button as requested by slipkorn_6666 Adding Episode 2 and/or Arcade Play Making some cutscenes Hopefully increasing performance and reducing lag Expected to be finished within 7 days.


You dont have to change anything because of my, i was only anoying. Im not a great programer so you can do what you want in your project.(you dont have to make that "koopa killer" button. sorry for my english


This is only the demo version of the game. You can expect the full version to be more "user friendly"


Can you plz open source code?


A good mario game!

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