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Greenfoot back

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dbal presents ...



I am publishing this scenario in support of an article that I plan to publish on the topic of creating custom GUIs using Greenfoot. If and when the article is published, you will find a link to the article at

This scenario creates a pair of custom buttons that illustrate the kind of behavior that you might see in a child's educational game where the player is allowed to progress back and forth through different scenes or worlds or to turn pages forward and backward.

VERSION or DATE: July 13, 2008
HOW TO START THIS PROJECT: Click the Run button
AUTHORS: Dick Baldwin
USER INSTRUCTIONS: Click the buttons on the right and left sides of the world to progress through three different scenes or pages. Note how the colors of the buttons change as you touch them with the mouse.

8466 views / 26 in the last 7 days

1 vote | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse buttons gui

This scenario is a member of: Reusable actors & support classes

open in greenfoot
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The sole purpose of this comment is to try to trigger a notification email message so that I can identify the "from" address of such messages in order to try to cause them to bypass my spam blocker. But, the system may be smart enough that it won't notify me when I comment on my own scenario.


One minor bug, if you keep the mouse cursor over one of the buttons when it is green and keep clicking, it will not turn red when the last background is reached (until you move the cursor off the button and then back onto it).


Thanks for the feedback. I'll take a look at that problem.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Jul 13 14:11:20 UTC 2008


The minor bug mentioned by davmac above has been fixed. By the way, the new subdued format for notification of new versions is much more attractive than before.


you should add the with-source tag since you do provide the source, thank you!

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