This is an adventure game I am working on. I was having some trouble with it, and hoping to get some help from folks in the forum. As soon as my forum post is approved, I will link it here. bThanks!
It doesn't do anything.
checking your MyWorld code, you didn't add any actors in the world. The line should be like this: addObject(new CodeMonkey(), 120, 140);
checking your CodeMonkey code, it works fine, but has one problem. you set the image in the act method, so you are putting the same image over and over again.
Create a constructor for your class
public CodeMonkey() {
or simply set the image using the right button in the class, and then use menu option "Set image..."
I just updated to 3.1.0. It might have fixed other issues, but it didn't fix the particular issue I'm having, which I talked about here:
Any thoughts on that?