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Skrogo_Chungus presents ...



Can you resist your primal urges within the hive of rats? the SCUM VILLAGE?
Do you have the resolve to leave things as they be or will you give in to the lust of rage and GO HAM on the denizens of SCUM VILLAGE?

Left and right to engage movement and spacebar to SCHLAM and swat flies for points

up and down to listen to the buzzing horde within your cranium

1972 views / 15 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game simulation physics demo uaslp cabrillo real_cabrillo_college

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2018-03-01 09:01:03 UTC
The Ballad of Big Billy is one which has been shared with the infinite for 4 times 4 eternities Scum Village is a representation of a recursive moebius fold plane of probable existence inconceivable to minor beings of flesh This particular visualization has been suitable cheapened to allow for human consumption without risk of immediate insanity, so be mirthful for the rest of your pitiful rat-lives.


Perhaps you could trigger the stop method when all available enemies have been slapped?


Hurgus burgus

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Chirett M×O×T×H×E×R