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Swords and Puppies

"A" to move left and "D" to move right

Below you is a floor of puppies. Above you, it's raining swords.
Catch all the swords before they hit the ground to save the puppies. Just don't catch the red swords! They hurt.
Bigger swords mean more points when caught, and more points lost when dropped.
Will you be able to save the puppies?
Or will the sky of falling blades be too much.
Beat all 4 stages to be the hero!

This is not a never ending game. If you last till the song is over you are the puppy savior.

SpellingPhailer - Science Blaster

**Special Thanks**
Jackie and Dillon for the constructive criticism and positive feedback. You made this game 10 times better.
and Thanks to Jackson for believing in me and inspiring me to start this journey of making games.

1774 views / 11 in the last 7 days

Tags: real_cabrillo_college

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