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Pixel Sorter

The applet version may be VERY slow. Download it and export it as a jar for the fastest speed.

If your exporting/using as a jar:
name your image "image.png" and put it into the same directory as the jar file.

if your running in greenfoot:
name the picture "image.png" and put it in the images folder

You may run into a problem where the image will not reset. If your using the jar, reopen it. If your using greenfoot, reopen it or change the code and change it back.

The bigger the file you use, the longer it will take to process. I would suggest using around 400x400 at most (will take about 3-5 mins), but you can do more. The biggest I have done is 800x800 and it took 4 hours, so it may take a while.

A quick link to the jar file:!W0E0UKSC!3YJQkEZwDEzKJFJ0eQJuMQ

2049 views / 6 in the last 7 days

Tags: game simulation demo with-source image pixel sorter processing

open in greenfoot
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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2018-09-14 22:29:01 UTC Removed test images from the images folder
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2018-09-15 17:41:13 UTC It now will tell you if it cant find the "image.png".

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