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This is a major upgrade of the scenario named Menu01, which I published earlier at
(Apparently I inadvertently deleted the earlier version while publishing this version but that doesn't matter since this is a replacement.)
The earlier scenario was designed mainly to provide proof of concept. This scenario is designed:
A. To deliver the source code for a working GUI class named Menu that can be used by objects of other classes to place
any number of custom GUI menus in a Greenfoot world.
B. To illustrate how to use the Menu class to create and service custom GUI menus.
I am publishing this scenario in support of an article that I plan to publish on the topic of custom GUIs using
Greenfoot. If and when the article is published, you will find a link to the article at
The default screen display consists of two black menu headers and two target objects. The default target object
on the left is an image of a butterfly. The default target object on the right contains the word Right Target
in PLAIN style surrounded by images of small frogs. The menu items in the Left Menu can be used to cause the left
target to switch among an image of a frog, a butterfly, or a bee. The menu items in the Right Menu can be used to
cause the right target to switch among PLAIN, ITALIC, BOLD, and BOLD-ITALIC styles surrounded by small frogs,
butterflies, and bees.
When the user touches a black menu header with the mouse, it turns green and exposes a set of black menu items below the header. The menu items in the Left Menu are:
The menu items in the Right Menu are:
Bold Bees
Italic Butterflies
Plain Frogs
Bold-Italic Bees
The styles of the menu items in the Left Menu are all plain.
The style of each menu item in the Right Menu matches the text description. In addition, a small image of a bee, a
butterfly, or a frog appears on each end of the text in each menu item in the Right Menu.
When the user touches a black menu item, it turns green. When the user touches another black menu item, the first one
turns black and the second one turns to green. Each time a menu item (not including the header) switches from black
to green, a "ding" sound effect is played. (Note: The sound effects seemed to adversely impact the performance of the
online version so I disabled them in the online version.)
When the user clicks a green menu item, the corresponding target display changes to match the text in the menu item.
When the mouse retreats to the world background, the menu items disappear and the menu header returns to black. In
addition, both targets return to their default displays and a "bong" sound effect is played.
AUTHOR: Dick Baldwin
VERSION: 07/19/08
HOW TO START THIS PROJECT: Click the Run button
USER INSTRUCTIONS: See the description above.
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This scenario is a member of: Reusable actors & support classes
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