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DonaldDuck presents ...


This is the Only Level

Based off of an original game by

"Get mr.elephant into his pipe without getting spiked."

The source code will be closed for the time being, as I am working to add new levels, and concepts. When I have finished, the source code (Which is actually very neat) will be released here for you guys to see.

Please let me know of any bugs you encounter.

Due to bad programming on my part, stage 17 (Pipe Dream) can get quite laggy. Try not to die on it, or it will get UNBEARABLY slow. I'll probably fix that (Or just remove the spikes from that level) soon. Thanks for your patience.


Stage 1: Press the button and out.
Stage 2: Arrow keys are reversed. Button and out.
Stage 3: Door is already open, don't press the button.
Stage 4: mr.elephant jumps to mouse click.
Stage 5: There is a hole next to the spikes above the exit pipe.
Stage 6: Type the alphabet to open the door.
Stage 7: Low gravity, mind your jumps.
Stage 8: Spikes act as trampolines. Step on them to jump.
Stage 9: You can't move backwards.
Stage 10: WASD controls mr.elephant.
Stage 11: Ground will make you bounce, watch your head.
Stage 12: To the right of the spikes found at the bottom left corner of the screen, there is a hidden tunnel. Go through it, slowly.
Stage 13: As soon as mr.elephant hits the ground, start running right. This level depends on good timing.
Stage 14: Press the Enter key to open the door.
Stage 15: Simply go to the right hand pipe. The button doesn't do anything, but most of you will press it, just for good measure.
Stage 16: The door is only part of the scenery. Don't mind the button, walk through the door into the pipe.
Stage 17: Jump through the hole in the roof, and go right. Pick a level to warp to, and press the down arrow.

35810 views / 126 in the last 7 days

14 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source gravity platform level elephant stage armourgames

This scenario is a member of: Scenario showcase

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Sorry I'm so late. I'm actually not sure if I still have an in-tact source code for this game still, but if I do, I'll get it to you ASAP.


HOW THE HECK DO YOU MOVE ON LEVEL 19 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Actually, I never really programmed an ending in.... Stage 19 isn't completable. I just made the stage increase and turned things on and off so if you hold down F3, you'll advance through the array of levels, but after stage 18, nothing is enabled.


hey donald can u plz send me this scenario. Bc it would be very helpfull for my own school projekt. For example a few of ur commands. My email already was written before.


As I said earlier, the original source code has been destroyed. I have a modified version (I was trying to fix the jump issues and gave up part way through) that I will send you. It isn't too hard to follow, but it's written a bit... specially...


is there any specific pattern for level 18? and if there is how do you counteract it?


Are you going to post the source?


make it so "r" is restart


18 is impossible!


No, it is not ;)

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