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PROJECT: MathGame01
I am publishing this scenario in support of an article that I plan to publish on the topic of custom GUIs using
Greenfoot. If and when the article is published, you will find a link to the article at
This is a relatively simple educational game for children that illustrates the use of custom labels, custom menus,
text input, simple animation, sound effects, and a few other strengths of Greenfoot as a Java development platform.
The default screen consists of a title and instructions for starting the game.
When the user clicks Run, the game board appears consisting of the same title, two menu headers, and a simple math
problem. The two menu headers are:
Skill Level
The Game menu provides the following options:
The Skill Level menu provides the following options:
First Grade
Second Grade
Third Grade
Disclaimer: Because I have no expertise in elementary education, those skill levels are approximations at best.
The bottom portion of the screen contains a simple math problem with instructions for the student to type the answer
and press Enter.
If the student enters the correct answer, a "ding" sounds, a large happy face dances across the screen, and words of
encouragement are presented in green followed by a new problem to be solved.
If the student enters an incorrect answer, a somewhat negative sound effect is played and a large face with a frown
dances across the screen. The correct solution is presented in red followed by a new problem to be solved.
VERSION or DATE: 07/22/08
HOW TO START THIS PROJECT: Click the Run button.
AUTHOR: Dick Baldwin
USER INSTRUCTIONS: Click the Run button. Then select the game and the skill level from the respective menus, type
the solution to the math problem and press Enter.
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This scenario is a member of: Math Scenarios
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