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Cooking PAPA

Papa Braum is cooking some spicy meat balls, its cought on fire dont drop it.

Space - to release the fireball
use arrow keys to control the pan
Press reset to start over
Press run to start playing

1759 views / 7 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source

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Make the fireball way faster than the pan so the game is playable but extremely hard


@IamSifter Great idea I will try to implement those changes into my game ;d
THERES NO SCORE COUNTER OR SCOREBOARD!!! In this current meta playing this game is OBSOLETE! How am i supposed to challenge my friends and show them I AM THE ONE WITH THE SUPERIOR INTELLECT. I have currently reached a score of 2,500,000+ but i cant compare it with noobs score who can't hit 5. FIX THIS GAME LELOUCH VI BRITANNIA COMMANDS YOU!




Its kinda......boring......however if it is continued to be nurtured i can see it becoming a top game .....just try adding something to make it more.......exciting


Yo mob, your playing this game too? ANYWAY THIS IS BAD, I DID A CHECK AND YOUR GAME HAS BEEN CURSED BY A SPIRIT TO GET A BAD GRADE AND NO ATTRACTION! Quite fortunate i happened to find it while browsing here SO DO NOT FEAR! Go to my website and I could provide you with top exorcism deals! Starting at 50,000 ¥. DONT WAIT SHOUNEN, YOU'LL MISS OUT! NO AMOUNT OF MONEY IS WORTH YOUR FUTURE!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2019-02-18 20:49:10 UTC In this patch a score counter was added and the game will be much harder due to the fireball and pan speed have been increased.
Simple game, but nice design
if you catch the flame with the side of your pan, the flame can't escape anymore, and you get a Point every tick. Maybe you could fix that…


I think her game is very well done. I like this game.

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LelouchLamperouge IamSifter