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Please download Ulam_1_02_full source
code so that you can use Actors to do
a lot of extra stuff.

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Tags: demo with-source

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That looks interesting. Can you explain a little about the pattern it generates? (I know the source is available, it would be nice to have a little explanation here though).


Thanks for taking a look. The pattern is made up of natural (1+ integers) numbers that are 'wrapped' in a square-like spiral like this: 5 4 3 6 1 2 7 8 9 10 In the image, each non-prime is a white pixel and each prime is a dark (gray) pixel. There is a concentration of primes along certain diagonals (and a few horizontal and vertical) lines. This surprises most people upon first viewing (there is actually a very simple reason for it). Try downloading the full scenario and you will be able to have more control over your patterns (called Ulam spirals after their discover. See


Ah yes, I understand. Thanks!

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