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Toad Defense

My first game :) , sort of, this is a new version of the same game, I changed a fixed a few things in the code and added comments, mostly just cleaning up the older version that I uploaded.
Very simple but fun, in a way.

2-player game; Player1(Green Toad) moves with ARROW KEYS and Player2(Yellow Toad) moves with WASD KEYS
Keep ladybugs away from your swamp by touching them; If 20 go past, you lose.

My high score is ~6400

Check it out and feel free to suggest improvements.

1221 views / 16 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source #defense

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This game is fun and has a great idea behind it, it's very challenging though.
i like your game its really simple but fun! maybe specify which frog is which player

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