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Kostya20052011 presents ...


Game of Robots v2

Controls: arrows. Shoot - hold the Space bar and use the arrows. Now the essence of the game - you need to reach the end of the game. You are hindered by robots, you need to overcome them. You have 2 trumps. 1-a gun, but it shoots only one cell and has a limited number of charges. Also, with the help of clever movements, you can start robots in the crevices. Bosses on levels 2 and 4 must be defeated this way(2). Also, the control panel displays the time for the move(lower right corner, upper label), the number of charges(lower right corner, lower label) and the room number (5 in total) - the last remaining label, Also if you are in room 2 and 4, the lower left corner displays the boss's life points. Sorry I didn't translate the story. Who wants to write in the comments, I'll skin the English version.

2504 views / 16 in the last 7 days

Tags: space game demo and robots about

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