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SirFoxie presents ...


Mouse Follower

This will become a game sometime soon. For now there's nothing to do except fly and shoot at the ground.

(Edit: Well, actually, it's not gonna become a game anytime soon. I've decided I'd rather be using C++ and using programming tools besides Greenfoot. But you should use my mouse follower code in your own stuff!)

- Accelerate: "W" or "up".
- Brake: "S" or "down" or "space".
- Steer: the Actor turns to face the current mouse position.
- Fire gun turret: any mouse button.

I didn't make the music. It's from the song "Balloon Flight" on the album "Bremelanotide" by "The Grammar Club". The full version with vocals is freely available on their website ( ) in the "media" section. (Their lyrics contain swearing and PG-13 concepts.)

I was planning some cool stuff with the game music, but I can't figure out how to do it with Java/Greenfoot. I was gonna have the music change dynamically with what's going on in the game, but now it'll just play a loop of the same static song. I'll do the cool dynamic stuff in C++ sometime, unless someone can figure out the problem I'm having (which is posted here: ).

10665 views / 29 in the last 7 days

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Tags: mouse game music demo with-source gun fly plane turret steer

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I could change it so that if you don't set a turning speed it defaults to an instant turn. The code I have now does make it turn instantly, pretty much the same as yours. The speed just has to be at least 180 degrees per frame.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon May 23 07:50:51 UTC 2011 Added light flashes for bullets. Added really simple music that doesn't work yet.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Mon May 23 07:54:23 UTC 2011 Got rid of the music for now, since it's not working.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 24 02:50:53 UTC 2011
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 24 02:58:50 UTC 2011 Retrying export so audio will work on the website.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 24 03:04:31 UTC 2011 Reuploading for music.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue May 24 20:44:35 UTC 2011 I gave up on dynamic music and just went with a static song.


You haven't been active much. This should be something when u get on. I have some Fresh Programming homework for you: Making a small scenario that connects to a special file created by the same project and reads a special format ([ARTICLE]/[TEXT] Per line) and prints it onto the screen. Nice tackler, don't you think? I shall give this to other Fresh Programming members to see their responses. Comment on my most recent scenario with the first words saying "Fresh Programming Homework". Good Luck!


Thanks for including your code--it's way too advanced for me, but someday I hope to implement mouse-directed movement.


Woah I LOVE the music, lol the game looks great!

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