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danpost presents ...


Multi-Variant Sudoku App

Implementations currently included:

helper notes (pencil-marks / notations)
grid square coloring (9 colors -- including white)
long diagonal lines (with checking for unique values)
arrows (8-directional -- no checking)
thermometers (with checking for normal or broken)
anti-knight checking
anti-king checking
anti-queen checking (using any specific value)
killer cages (unique value checking only -- no sums)
gray cells (no checks yet)

Thermometers, Killer cages and Magic squares (once implemented) can be removed by:
>Selecting head grid cell of object
>Pressing same as what created the object
(puzzle cannot be locked in solve mode)

1516 views / 10 in the last 7 days

Tags: demo puzzle sudoku danpost variants

Your browser does not support the canvas tag.
For some reason, the help button doesn't work...


@Kostya20052011, click first, they press "H" (uppercase).
I don't really know the rules of the game, can I see them in the help tab? How do I open it? I tried several options.


@Kostya20052011, go to youtube and check out vids by "Cracking the Cryptic". Then you might understand.
Training in games should be done so that players understand, not a video about the game...


@Kostya20052011, it is not a game. It is an application for a specific type of puzzle and some of its variants. You use it to either create puzzles for others to solve or you take a known puzzle, plug it in and try and solve it. The application can check your solution for normal sudoku as well as for many of its variants. I will eventually give descriptions of the variants and any object used by a variant. Again, it is NOT a game that you play. It is an application for puzzle solving and creating. Actual puzzles are not anything provided with this application (just like filled in tables are not provided with Excel or QuatroPro).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2020-06-04 20:55:32 UTC


Descriptions of constraints now added. Click on any text on Check Options screen (press '?').
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2020-06-05 16:03:41 UTC

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