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Doge obsticles as you fall to earth

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Thu Mar 31 20:02:35 UTC 2011 Better colision detection. Story: Two mischievous angels who were right on the top of the naughty list were well known for their mischievous pranks. These angels played their pranks on each other and every other angel. There came a point when these petty pranks turned violent causing harm to everyone around causing chaos in heaven. Looking at what these angels where doing G-d could no longer stand it. So he decided to teach these two angels a lesson and make them earn their way back to heaven. G-d threw them out of heaven into the outer space and told them that in-order to avoid getting burned and losing their life they need to follow some rules and stay in line. Here are the instructions given by G-d that you should follow: You should make sure not the angel does not collide with any objects in that world and make a safe landing at earth. One who lands on earth safely will be allowed to come back to heaven again.

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