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Nicer Text

This scenario adds options to use different fonts than the default one used by Greenfoot. While the default font may look decent offline, it's a different one online that looks aweful. You have always been able to use different fonts, however there is one major downside to using other fonts: When using the default font you can create an image with some text on it and it will automatically have the fitting size. However to use a custom font you have to print on existing image which requires you to know the dimensions that that text will have. To work around that problem I have started to - its great fun - measure each character from a font and create some classes that then use that measured size. So far I have got this font and a monospace font which was simple.

Includes detailed documentation!

1865 views / 11 in the last 7 days

4 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse demo with-source image text reuse

This scenario is a member of: Reusable classes

open in greenfoot
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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2021-02-03 12:27:05 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2021-02-03 13:40:41 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2021-02-03 13:45:26 UTC

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Carryminati gd_deception Game/maniac Kostya20052011