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Survive the Man-eating Babies!

The evil bald man has unleashed his army of man-eating babies upon you. Try to survive them for as long as you can! Eat red strawberries to gain health

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Tags: game with-source open-source

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2021-11-28 18:25:14 UTC [Updates] - Fixed bug where you cannot eat the strawberries after you died. - I am aware of a bug which causes your browser to freeze if you die rather than running the gameOver proceedure, I am looking into it although it may be a Greenfoot issue as it works fine in the app.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2021-12-02 22:01:21 UTC v2 Updates: version 2 makes the game more challenging - Babies can no longer be "herded" into one baby. They now avoid each other - The babies inflict more damage as time goes on. - The babies now have a random movement interval ranging from 3ms to 13ms
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2021-12-03 06:23:00 UTC [UPDATE v2.1] - The strawberries now give you more health as the game progresses. - Fixed the incorrect baby counter - New babies now only spawn when your health is equal to or above 70 HP - To make the game even more challenging, the player's movement speed now changes to a new speed from 1 pixel per cycle to 6 pixels per cycle every second. - To make the game (hopefully) playable on the browser, I have rewritten the game over proceedure.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2021-12-05 13:21:23 UTC [Update v2.2] This is the final update to Survive the Man Eating Babies. I will no longer issue bug fixes or feature updates - The player's speed no longer fluctuates as this got annoying after a while - A new object called a trap is introduced (representation is a bomb). Stepping on the trap makes you slow for 5 seconds and takes away 3 HP. - Strawberries now disappear after 10 seconds if they are not eaten. - The player now gradually gets faster as the game progresses. - The player's maximum HP is now 500 HP. If you eat strawberries and your HP is already at 500 HP, the strawberry will disappear but you won't get a HP boost - The player regenerates 1 HP every second if their HP is below 80 HP. - Traps also disappear after 10 seconds if they are not activated. - Traps do not spawn randomly: instead, they spawn around the player. - You no longer start with a set strawberry - The player and starter baby now start at random places. - When you touch a trap, the text "Trap active!" appears on the middle of the screen until the trap effect ends. - Fixed bug where you can get negative HP - Survive the Man Eating Babies is now open source! If you find a bug or want to introduce a feature, feel free to do it by clicking Open in Greenfoot - The trap effect can stack: stepping on two traps make you slow for longer
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2021-12-05 16:48:10 UTC Ok I had to fix TWO groundbreaking bugs - Babies speed no longer fluctuate - Strawberries no longer stop spawning when you don't eat them and they all disappear

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