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AwesomeNameGuy presents ...



You are earth's only hope against endless swarms of alien invaders!

4931 views / 13 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game

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Wow this is a really well developed game! You have everything working great here, there are only a couple things I would change. First, the game itself is very very tall, and I can't fit it all onto my screen. Second isn't really a problem, just more of a request, to have upgraded weapons not just upgrade the damage, but also maybe give you different types of weapons? Either way this is looking really great :D
Thanks for the complements! Yeah it is a little too tall for a browser window, isn't it? I also thought about doing a flame-thrower, or some kind of lightning or bomb weapon, but I haven't got around to it yet. I'll probabily do a bit more work on this before I move on, so I'll see how it goes.

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