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Sorry, the scenario does not work online. This version is meant for using offline (open in Greenfoot) because the ClasspathReader does not work in HTML5.
To try it online use the Lesen5demo scenario with fixed image list:

The Lesen5 scenario is meant for preschool kids to play with on a tablet. Mouse clicks work too but are difficult for children.
The images in this example have German names and the keyboard is German. But that is easily modified for other languages. See below.

Explore the world:
Picture first:
Kids can touch the small pictures of well known objects. The pics are then enlarged and their name is displayed to get familiar with letters and spelling.
Text first:
Touch letters on the keyboard. The text is displayed under the big blue question mark If you get one of the image names right, the image is shown there, and the name flashes green and a sound is played.

Play the game:
Text first:
Touch the button with names on the right. A random name will be displayed on the left. Find the corresponding image and touch it. If right, you will be rewarded with the enlarged image, flashing Text and sound.
Picture first:
Touch the button with the nine tiny pictures on the right. A random picture will be displayed on the left. Type the corresponding name and touch it. If right, you will be rewarded with the enlarged image, flashing Text and sound.

AA / Aa:
This Button in the upper right corner toggles all upper case (default) and regular case sensitive writing. This affects the displayed names as well as the keyboard.
3 / 4
When the 3 button gets touched the scenario is reloaded with pictures that have no more than three characters in their name. Meant for kids who remember only a few letters or pics. Same with four letters. To get back to all pictures or to reshuffle touch reload on the bottom of the scenario.

Modify and improve:
The image list is constructed by all *.jpg files in the /images folder. (The other images (*.png) are used for actor images.)
You can add or exchange *.jpg files more familiar to your family. Name them Mama.jpg, Opa.jpg etc. for German children or daddy.jpg, bird.jpg, moon.jpg etc. for English speaking children. Use 200 x 360 px as image size. The list of images will be constructed automatically.
To modify the keyboard, change the keys in class LesenWelt, method public void prepKeyboard().

997 views / 13 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source educational

open in greenfoot
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