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quelea presents ...



This is a more interesting version of my previous evolution simulation.

In this case the lobsters still eat the crabs that have higher contrast with the background, but the background is variable now so how obvious the crab is depends where it is.

So this scenario selects for a high turn rate in the crabs as well as cryptic colouration. The high turn rate keeps the crabs from wandering into dangerous areas where it is more visible. You will see in time that the crabs evolve a darker colouration on the left side of the grid.

Again after some time the crab population explodes and overwhelms the lobsters. Not sure how to fix this yet.

I would REALLY like to add a bit of code to write data from the logger into a data text file so I could import the data into a spreadsheet. If anyone has some suggestions to get me started with this task please let me know!

2585 views / 10 in the last 7 days

Tags: simulation with-source biology evolution genetics natural selection darwin

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