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DonaldDuck presents ...


This is the Only Level Too

Based off an original game by ArmourGames.

Get mr. elephant to his pipe without getting spiked.

This is the Only Level Too features brand new levels, more elephants, and even a soundtrack! Enjoy listening to the beats of Strobe by deadmau5 while you work your way through over 20 stages in a desperate mission to complete the level.

Expect weekly updates and tons of new content. If you like it, vote for it!

Get ready for level 1.


To activate the high score saving part of the game, you must either:

a) Open this scenario in Greenfoot by clicking the "Open in Greenfoot" button found just above the scenario, or
b) Download the .jar file from (visit the webpage for this scenario, found just above the "Open in Greenfoot" button) and run it.

What's to come...

Moar stages!
Moar elephants!
Moar spikes!

9847 views / 45 in the last 7 days

3 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game with-source gravity platform level mr. elephant stage armourgames

open in greenfoot
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Perfect! Thanks for telling me!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Jun 15 01:00:23 UTC 2011 Another stage! It's a toughie.


how do you beat level 22


and whered you get the music?


The music is Strobe by deadmau5 and was downloaded in mp3 form from YouTube via


make a panic button. i couldnt die on stage 9 and had to restart.


how you show the high score? how you show the timer? the elephant's lives?


@Donald, there is no file sharing on the gallery yet.


Ahh I must have lost it when I updated sometime... milanapa, once I add the download link, just download and play in your java console. The timer is in the bottom right and the elephants lives are in one of the corners too. I'll also make a restart key when I add the download link kiarocks. The r key might already restart the stage, I usually add little key presses to skip levels, restart, etc. Greenfoot is blocked at my house right now though so as soon as I can export the scenario and update, I will.


What I mean is you can't do file sharing, no one can, the gallery blocks it. It has to do with security. The next version will allow it though.

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