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supernovaboy presents ...


Greeps In Space

This project was inspired by the Greeps simulation.
Greeps have found new source of tomatopiles in space.
The piles, rather than being stationary as in the original simulation, are now floating around with constant velocity.
The spaceship, in search of the tomato as usual, carries greeps that can be launched towards the tomato pile and return to the ship, just like the original simulation.
But the Greep scientists have reported that the tomatoes have to be brought in only with greeps as an individual tomato, for making direct contact with the pile will cause the ship to blow up.

Use left and right arrow keys to turn
Use up arrow key to accelerate
Use down arrow key to cause instaneous stop (greep technology)
Press Z to deploy a single greep
Press X to use the GBomb (greeps launched in all directions)

There are bonuses that may appear when a Greep takes a tomato from a tomato pile. These bonuses must be obtained by making a direct contact using a ship.
The Blue Tomato gives one more life
The Green Tomato recharges the GBomb
The Yellow Tomato allows for upgrade, which allows the ship to shoot one more greep at a time
The Pink Tomato allows for upgrade in the speed of fire of the Greeps
But since there is a limited space on the ship, only one type of upgrade may be used at a time. (most recent one will overwrite the previous)
The Sick Tomato is NOT A BONUS. it is a salmonella infected tomato. This tomato is attracted to the ship, and will destroy the ship on contact, for the ship's tomato storage will all be infected.

9167 views / 9 in the last 7 days

2 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game codepoint-08-school-16+

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This scenarios uses Java features that are not available for use after conversion to HTML 5. Please try the legacy version, which requires the Java plugin to be installed.

A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Oct 24 05:28:49 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Oct 24 05:31:30 UTC 2008


Hmm, it runs way too fast on my Mac... you might need to lower the speed slider a bit (or unlock the scenario).
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Oct 24 05:44:11 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Oct 24 05:45:13 UTC 2008


hmmm i think the new version of greenfoot altered the timing. i unlocked the slider. thank you
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Oct 24 05:49:54 UTC 2008
Finn KerrFinn Kerr


yay, you finally got it up ^^. You've altered it quite a bit tho but it's still lots of fun (if not funny XD). Some questions however: can't you make the tomato piles display how many tomatoes they have left? and can't two greeps load each other or did you purposely make only one loaded at a time? Also the "sick tomato," what color is it exactly (they all look pretty unhealthy to me XD)? Does the ship improve at all as you proceed in levels (I'm not sure if you'd even want to do that but it's an idea)? Can't the greeps return any faster? They clutter up the screen and make the number of objects immense. But other than that, I love the background pic and the idea. ggyj


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