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In this game there are several tests to get a driving license. Before the player can take a driving test, the player will take a written test regarding knowledge of traffic sign tests. This test is mandatory to get a perfect score. If not, the player will start over from the beginning. After passing the written test, the player will continue the test to the next stage, namely the driving test. Here, players must pass 6 level obstacles to get a driving license.
-- The Goal --
The goal is to get a driving licence card. To get it, players need to pass several tests with different obstacles.
-- Reward --
The prize for completing this game is that the player will get a driving permit.
-- Obstacle in driving test --
The only obstacles in this game are various turns with cones as barriers. If the player hits the cone, the game will end.
Univeritas Sebelas Maret, Fakultas Teknologi Informasi dan Sains Data, Prodi Informatika
PBO Project by:
1. Afif Imam Rahadi - L0122006
2. Andy Burhanuddin - L0122021
3. Bintang Harida Ramadhan - L0122034
-- Game Update --
1. Adding sound
2. Additional written exam
3. Additional levels
4. Addition of story boards
Thank You :)
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