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This version is unfinished it still needs some work. I just wanted to upload something for the time being that I could show people if I needed. I hope to finish it before too long, and I hope it turns out well...

5322 views / 21 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game simulation with-source

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Wow. Where did you learn to program ?
I learned my current programming knowledge mostly from resources on the internet and looking at other people's scenarios. Glad you like it!


This is pretty good! Though there are some clear bugs, such as the AI players fold when they could just check, and they play very conservatively - don't seem to bluff at all. I'd like to see it finished! Also would like to see the source code if you're willing to share it.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sat Aug 06 23:41:33 UTC 2011 Decided to release the unfinished source code. A method called doStuff() is where the Comp makes it's decisisons. I am holding off on trying to finish this until I learn a little more about programming, I am reading a Java book right now and I am learning lots of stuff.
Here's the source code if you wanted to see it, keep in mind I am pretty much a beginner but that might be obvious! I'm holding off on fininshing this right now, but I will come back to it after I am done with this Java book that I'm reading.


This is going to be good. I like it. It also made me remember that I once started to develop a card game that I didn’t finish so far. Don’t let this happen to you :-)


O my god ! This game is awesome ! Very cool ! I like it ! It looks pretty nice. CoolGame ( Do you want more Praise ? :-D ) MrIncredible
Thanks! Lol


Awesome game! (not quite as awesome as your name though)

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