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Quest of The Fallen

Game lore: This game represents the tiresome journey of Marmadoke of the Dawn, the ruler of the Cactaceae Clan to collect the suns in the underworld that is ruled by the Cadaver King. He evades the mindless zombies sent out by the king in order to successfully collect fragments of the sun to return back to his clan. In the year 1666, his daughter underwent the chirourgiki methodology to replenish her state from the Floods of Azmar. However, the magnificent sky star (sun) was fading because the evil sorceress Amy Plonkchamber needed it for her evil exploits. Follow Marmadoke of the Dawn venturing out for the quest to retrieve the fragmented suns for good moral saving of his daughter.

642 views / 13 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game simulation demo with-source

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Best game ever 10/10 love it

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