A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-07-30 12:08:08 UTC
Este jogo foi inspirado em Mario Bros. O jogador principal (o gato Lino) tem que evitar os obstáculos (as bolas vermelhas). Se ocorrer uma colisão entre eles, o jogador perde e o jogo reinicia. / This game was inspired by Mario Bros. The main player (Lino the cat) has to avoid the obstacles (the red balls). If a collision occurs between them, the player loses and the game restarts.
Participantes/participants: Brenda, Giovanna, Jaqueline, Isabela, Letícia e João
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-07-30 12:10:55 UTC
Este jogo foi inspirado em Mario Bros. O jogador principal (o gato Lino) tem que evitar os obstáculos (as bolas vermelhas). Se ocorrer uma colisão entre eles, o jogador perde e o jogo reinicia. / This game was inspired by Mario Bros. The main player (Lino the cat) has to avoid the obstacles (the red balls). If a collision occurs between them, the player loses and the game restarts.
Participantes/participants: Brenda, Giovanna, Jaqueline, Isabela, Letícia e João