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Street Life

2D platforming game that tells the story of the life of a busker who often gets into trouble with local authorities.

WASD = move character
Mouse Click = click button

Creator :
1. Aristo Budiman (L0123028)
2. Alvis Marcell Christian (L0123016)
3. Bagas Rizki Gunardi (L0123034)

PBO Project - Faculty of Information Technology And Data Science - Sebelas Maret University

22831427 views / 90 in the last 7 days

14 votes | 0 in the last 7 days

Tags: game adventure run platformer and 2d course side-scrolling obstacle action-adventure

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-12-17 21:11:23 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-12-17 21:13:02 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-12-17 21:15:03 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-12-17 21:16:24 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-12-17 21:17:43 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-12-17 21:19:38 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-12-17 21:23:22 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-12-17 21:24:40 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-12-17 21:55:07 UTC
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2024-12-17 22:00:44 UTC Enhanced Menu System: Ditambahkan efek visual pada tombol di menu utama (mengecil saat diklik). Penambahan tombol leaderboard dengan navigasi yang lebih mudah. Background baru untuk layar leaderboard. Leaderboard Improvements: Menampilkan Highscore dan Hall of Fame menggunakan UserInfo. Tampilan leaderboard yang lebih menarik. Gameplay Updates: Penambahan sistem coins collected untuk melacak skor pemain di dalam game. Implementasi prologue scene untuk memperkenalkan cerita sebelum level 1 dimulai. Penyesuaian ukuran tombol-tombol game untuk responsif dan estetika lebih baik. Audio Enhancements: Menambahkan efek suara saat tombol ditekan. Sistem suara terintegrasi lebih baik, dengan pengaturan suara berhenti dan dimulai pada layar tertentu. Graphics & Visual Feedback: Tombol interaktif yang memberikan respons visual (efek mengecil) ketika diklik. Penyesuaian ukuran elemen visual seperti leaderboard background untuk kompatibilitas layar. Penggunaan gambar customized button untuk elemen menu utama dan leaderboard. Bug Fixes and Optimization: Memperbaiki potensi error pada leaderboard ketika data pengguna kosong. Optimalisasi penyimpanan skor menggunakan Penyempurnaan transisi antar level dengan mengatur ulang data game setiap kali tombol ditekan. Greenfoot Integration: Pemanfaatan API bawaan Greenfoot untuk leaderboard dan foto profil. Kompatibilitas penuh dengan framework Greenfoot untuk runtime dan simulasi.

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