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Slingshot demo for a bigger project. Still has a couple gliches, and occasionally (rarely) it won't run but I can't figure out why.

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Tags: game simulation physics demo with-source

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The glitch seems to happen when you click while the ball is flying through the air
The glitch seems to happen when you click while the ball is flying through the air
Thanks kiarocks! @BuilderBoy have you done any work on your rigid body collision solver? I would be interested to see how you would approach the problem.
I'm working on it, but the physics are pretty complicated, I might upload a small demo soon if I can get some of the larger bugs worked out
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Tue Sep 06 03:50:42 UTC 2011 Added user controlled variables. The input is kinda finicky, but workable!
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Sep 09 21:50:53 UTC 2011 Added targets, collision info, and a dotted line.


Found a bug-rarely,a square will land on a pellet in the slingshot.
I know, I'm not worried though, the squares are just temporarily something to shoot at. I probabily speant more time trying to hit them with the slingshot in the scenario than writing the code for them!

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rendy EBREEZE bourne drhorriblejr mik Builderboy2005 kiarocks