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Maths Bingo - Hacked

"This game is just game to sum some numbers given", as said by Abundance100. (Go check them out at Sadly, due to frustration, Timmy asked Cosmo for a robot version of himself that could do computations at an unreasonable speed. Cosmo granted his wish, and Robo-Timmy was born. Robo Timmy functions as follows:
- Robo Timmy will tell you the correct answer by default
- Pressing and holding "A" will allow Robo Timmy to answer the questions at an alarmingly fast rate.

A few balance changes to fix this:
- The timer no longer increases whenever an answer is marked as correct
- The "correct" symbol flashing is smaller to allow the user to better see the screen
- The maximum points is no longer capped at 40
- You now have won if you get more than 40 points

298 views / 13 in the last 7 days

Tags: mouse game simulation scenario math with calculation

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