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Zacy0 presents ...

19 hours ago

Brawl Buddies

Go against your buddies (or AI) as either the dodger or the hunter and see who wins! The dodger wins if they stay alive until time's up and the shooter wins if they eliminate the dodger before then by taking all of their health.

Dodger has 5 HP and can heal once every 20 seconds if he does not get hit. After being hit, he is immune for a few seconds.

Hunter has 3 special abilities: X-Bomb (X) where he throws an x-bomb (it's actually a T bomb) at the mouse cursor which explodes in a second, Cannon (C) where he shoots out an instakill cannon that starts out slow but speeds up, and Zap (Z) where he shoots out a lightning bolt that bounces a few times towards the cursor. You charge up these abilities by using 3 ammo. However, these abilities use various amounts of ammo (except for zap) when used so they're trade offs even if you have them.

Dodger also has 3 special abilities: Shift (Shift) where he shifts in front of him (1 use per match), Control (Ctrl) where he gains control of his senses and moves at 2x speed for a few seconds (2 uses per match), and Slash (/) where he slashes in a very small radius around him parrying any projectiles (seriously, if you can pull this off consistently you might be a pro)

If you have no friends, you can also play against an AI bot, but ngl this bot kinda sucks and he can't use abilities because I didn't feel like adding that

89 views / 89 in the last 7 days

Tags: 2player versus abilities

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2025-03-03 05:11:53 UTC Changed font sizes.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2025-03-03 05:18:26 UTC Fixed some bugs
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2025-03-03 05:31:59 UTC Added a new ability: slash
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on 2025-03-03 05:44:15 UTC Fixed player speed online

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