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Almog presents ...



You are the marble ball and your aim is to get into the brass tube. To do so, stand above the tube and press "down".
You can also jump. To do so, press "up" or "space".
The green box is your enemy. If it touches you, the level will restart. You can kill the green box, too. To do so, jump over it.
You can also improve your abilities by getting closer the the special objects you see, and press "x".
And remember that it is possible to get into the tube just in the marble form. To change your from to a marble form, press "c".

Good Luck.

4088 views / 21 in the last 7 days

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Tags: game physics platform

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Oct 12 12:15:00 UTC 2011


אתה צריך לשפר את זווית שבה הורגים את הקובייות, כי כרגע ממש קשה להרוג אותן, נסה בעצמך. בנוסף, כבר השלב השני מאוד קשה(גם בגלל הסיבה הקודמת), תעשה שהשלבים מעלים רמה בהדרגתיות. אבל חוץ מזה, ממש מגניב.

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