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Teaching program (game) for children.
In the first versions: abc and digits, listen voice (at first in English, then there will be the multilingual).

Run and See value of field "Find" (in right-up corner, only for 0-1 levels) and Click on balloon with the same value.
From 3 level you can listen voice.
(under construction)

Обучающая программа (игра) для детей.
В первых версиях: буквы и цифры (потом будет многоязычная).

Запускаете и смотрите значение поля "Find" (в левом верхнем углу) и кликайте на шарик с таким же значением.
Начиная со 3 уровня, слушайте голосовые задания.

added process messages and sounds;
improved allocation of balloons;
added voice;
improved levels;
added abc

5406 views / 15 in the last 7 days

Tags: with-source codepoint-08-under-16 abc digit count teaching

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A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Fri Nov 21 22:45:56 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 23 08:05:47 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 23 08:15:17 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 23 16:45:38 UTC 2008
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Sun Nov 30 00:25:14 UTC 2008


That's coming together quite well. A simple game for smaller kids. I might let my daughter try it...


I created this game for my son. He is 6,5 years old. He does success.


I noticed something for the Alphabet, I haven't tried the numbers yet, but if you look closely the letter that is being chosen seems too be the one at the highest point? Makes it really easy to win :]


Beginning with the third level of tip-letter removed.
A new version of this scenario was uploaded on Wed Oct 13 06:11:43 UTC 2010 Teaching program (game) for children. In the first versions: abc and digits, listen voice (at first in English, then there will be the multilingual). Run and See value of field "Find" (in right-up corner, only for 0-1 levels) and Click on balloon with the same value. From 3 level you can listen voice. (under construction) ????????? ????????? (????) ??? ?????. ? ?????? ???????: ????? ? ????? (????? ????? ????????????). ?????????? ? ???????? ???????? ???? "Find" (? ????? ??????? ????) ? ???????? ?? ????? ? ????? ?? ?????????. ??????? ?? 3 ??????, ???????? ????????? ???????. Changes: added process messages and sounds; improved allocation of balloons; added voice; improved levels; added abc

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